Monday, July 6, 2009

Here we go...

My new book is touching the lives of a whole lot of people these days. Women and men all ages, all backgrounds, all religions and upbringings. It is a blessing! A few days ago while at a book signing I was flagged down by a woman who said that after reading a few pages that morning she had "a revelation about whats been holding her back her entire life". Shocked yet humbled as we finished the conversation and I walked away it was hard to believe she was talking about something that I had written! But she was. I keep telling myself that it's these little moments that I'm going to remember most. Which is what lead me to finally start blogging. Everyone keeps asking me "where's your blog, where's your blog? blog blog blog?" Well here it is. And it will be good too. From book signing to events near and far, everyday I get to meet some of the most interesting, precocious, outspoken, folks on the planet. I mean I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried! And I'm a writer. So here we go...