Saturday, July 25, 2009

Family Violence Prevention Fund Rocks!

One of my platforms is Teen Dating Domestic Violence. Check out this PSA and spread the message to any young person in your life.

Family Violence Prevention Fund organization is doing some remarkable work. Thanks to the warm reception from headquarters in Boston, I am now a advocate for these campaigns and will be raising awareness with their help at each event on my platform for Teen Domestic Dating Violence. Check them out.

That’s Not Cool is a national public service advertising (PSA) campaign designed to helps teens recognize digital dating abuse and take steps to prevent it. Developed by the Family Violence Prevention Fund, in partnership with the Department of Justice’s Office of Violence Against Women and the Advertising Council, That’s Not Cool uses digital examples of controlling behavior online and by cell phone to encourage teens to draw their own line about what is, or is not, acceptable relationship behavior.

kNow More Campaign
Sexual violence, sexual coercion and dating violence are significant issues for young people
though frequently unrecognized and even more often, untreated. The ramifications of sexual violence last well beyond the incident itself. Sexual violence is related to a wide range of negative health outcomes including greater incidence and exposure to HIV and other STDs, unhealthy weight, asthma, diabetes, substance abuse, risky sexual behaviors, miscarriage and unplanned pregnancy.

The Family Violence Prevention Fund, through a national project, is taking on the issue of sexual violence and its reproductive health implications. Through a national initiative, kNOw MORE, the FVPF is working to educate youth about the reproductive health consequences of violence and sexual coercion. Through a national public awareness campaign, we invite youth to say ‘no more’ to reproductive coercion; know more about how to stop it; and say more to anyone and everyone who will listen.

Special thank you to the Boston Headquarters staff Lonna for all of your guidance and support. You were truly gracious blessing!
