Friday, September 25, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Doll!

Happy Birthday to my sister from another mister, Rose Shugg Lee! You are such a great mommy and I am soo grateful that we met many many moons ago in summer orientation back at Cal Poly lol. You are the definition of a real authentic friend to the end! Love U doll...

Amel Larrieux...I'm Excited:)

I'm excited for Tuesday :)

Ameerah Speaks...Success Tips for Young Entrepreneurs Event

FM gave me an opportunity to showcase my speaking skillz and speak about the keys to being a young entrepreneur. We spoke about time management, and the importance of goal setting short term vs long term. We had a great time and so many folks came up to me afterwords to show love and express their renewed courage to begin their own business that has been locked away in their hearts for so long! That was the best part for me! Some of the still shots are really cool too :)
This was a good day...and a good talk, if I say so myself!

Golf or Baseball? hmmmm

During my R&R, I went to hit some balls. But based on this photo it looks more like I was about to take off on a fast ball as opossed to hitting a hole in one :( In my defense I hadn't been on the green in years and my pink and gray clubs were as dusty as my swing.
Lesson of the day = practice practice practice. Time to put my beautiful clubs back to work on a regular basis...but this game is addictive and a real workout for the upper body! Funny tho.

Deer Valley High School Shooting

Last week during my much needed R&R, I got a call saying that there was a shooting at my niece and nephews high school in Antioch. That' a call you never want to receive but thank God that they were not injured, just shaken up to say the lease. The little boy that was shot while walking to school, is expected to make a full recovery. It just makes you wonder where are we as adults going wrong with our youth that we don't value our lives or the lives of others? Is the world really becoming more violent or is it just that we have more media coverage nowadays? What can be done?
Take care of your families and guard them with information to stay away from violence and to be courageous when getting into disagreements to use non-violence to avoid these senseless crimes that effect entire communities. And whatever happened to an old-fashioned fist fight? Those days are gone, so it's time to teach our kids not to have beefs with each other by providing them with promising bright futures.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day with Me and Mommy

Today me and mom got to hang out, talk, and really spend some down time not working or multi-tasking and it was really refreshing...and she cooked! It reminded me of the old days when we used to chill out on the regular just the two if us away from all other siblings and cares in the world. Quality time creates memories and unbreakable bonds, if you are so lucky to have a mom try not to neglect her time and efforts and consider yourself very blessed!
How funny is the look on my face in this old school pic :)) rockin the big frames hunny! Like "ooh I love her" Don't hate, LOL

Shimmer & Shine :) My little niece - the entrepreneur!

Over this holiday weekend, one of my big sisters brought one of my nieces over to speak to me about this $1k phone bill she talked up! I can't say I was proud of the crazy bill but I was so inspired and proud of her little entrepreneur spirit. As we sat at my computer she brainstormed ideas of businesses she could create with no money out of her pocket (cause she ain't got none LOL) that she could create to pay her family back. I was so proud of her imagination and ambition to take responsibility for the pricey mistake that she made. We finally came up with Shimmer and Shine her personal hand car washing business. She could walk to her neighbors homes and wash their cars within their driveways outside of their homes. We found a need that she was able to fill for other people. Every working adult that lives in a suburb stays on the highway and is normally exhausted when they get home, but they would love to have a clean car that Shimmers and Shines. My niece will provide that for her neighbors! She is so cute! She provides the materials necessary and all appointments are after school. We then calculated out how long it would take her to pay off her phone bill washing 1 car 3times per week. Armed with an adult, and her fliers, going door to door to promote and collect appointments:) No one can resist this business! Here is the flier we created along with her appointment schedule. I handle all of the calls and book her appointments and referrals then pass addresses along to her mom for inspection. She is the deal! Now if a pre-teen can mature up and create some income during this recession then there really are no excuses for the rest of us! Go Head Girl! love you...good luck doll I am so proud of you.

Go Head Girl! interviews Pamela Grimm Encore Episode

Listen to this Inspiring interview with survivor Pamela Grimm as she speaks about the opening of "Imani's House" a transitional home for 12 women coming directly out of prison, and shares how each of us can assist in donations for this amazing cause. Give what you can by contacting Pamela through her email:

"Your heart can never have what it has longed for as long as it is full of what you have settled for."
-Pamela Grimm


Thursday, September 3, 2009

No One is Coming to the Rescue featured on

Check out It's a very cool website that features great books by independent talented authors from all over the globe. And No One is Coming to the Rescue got featured as well! Very cool. I love looking on other peoples websites and seeing my book featured :) Here's a print screen from my computer for my memories. haa ha

Thank you Yvonne, you rock!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Book Promo Video! Very Cool Interview :)

Look what I recieved this morning!!!... my book promo video!
A few weeks ago we did several book promotion interviews for No One is Coming to the Rescue and Freedom may remember I spoke about the heat and the beautiful location) Anywho, here goes the final product of the video promo for my book! It turned out awesome! Check it out! Thank you for all of the effort that went into making this video so cool. I appreciate it!