Sunday, August 30, 2009

Monday 8pm Interview w/ Award Winning Author Yvonne Mason

Listen to Ameerah Alisande` on Blog Talk Radio
Tune in tomorrow night to hear the journey of a phenomenal author who uses her gifts and triumphs to "Pay it forward"! I'm excited...join us as we celebrate her success and say Go Head Girl!

Imagine Me

Today's Lesson: This Video + No One is Coming to the Rescue Workbook + Young Women =
Powerful Heartfelt Dialogue 

I love this song!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Third Baptist Welcomes Freedom Movement Sunday Morning - Women's Ministry

See everyone at the event and hear Maximillion speak! He is awesome and Freedom Movement is the BOMB...stay tuned for event pics. Big thank you to Third Baptist Church for having us two weeks in a row! And for providing the best hospitality we have ever seen. We all felt very grateful to be a part of this historical day.

My speaking platform & Family Violence Prevention Fund

Despite all of the heat that managed to sweat out my press (aka flat iron), I had the best lunch meeting with ladies from the Family Violence Prevention Fund headquarters Friday!
Their motto is "changing the world for the next generation", and they really are doing that! Over thin crust pizza and some really good grilled asparagus, The vice president and two lovely program specialists educated me about campaigns that are creating change in the way that our youth relate to one another around the nation. I was really inspired and cannot wait to collaborate and bring awareness to every venue I attend. The knowMore campaign is focused around the correlation of dating violence and reproductive health such as HIV and unintended pregnancy. Jeanine is awesome and really is passionate about educating young women (college age primarily) about their resources and how to end the abuse.
I also learned about the That's Not Cool Campaign., its all about textual harassment and other controlling behaviors that are found to be on the rise among the "tween" population. The video above is a part of the campaign and as I watched I was laughing but had to admit that even I, a grown woman, have had instances where I dealt with that kind of harassment and unnecessary texting from someone I was involved with. Many times I think the guys may not even realize how overboard they are. In some of their minds they may just be checking on you or showing you attention that we all find flattering from time to time. However, this video had me realize "you know what that is never cool! If someone is texting me ever few minutes that is always overboard regardless of the intent"....See I'm still learning everyday!
Anyway, whenever you come to see me speak or write articles I am going to be representing for the ladies and the tremendous amount that goes into these campaigns and bringing them to the "ground-work" (the people).
Special thank you to Debbie for the meeting, you are doing incredible work!, Jeanine, and Sara! It was a pleasure meeting you all and I'm excited to continue to speak to girls and women about all that you do!

Listen to this little teenage young woman! Be aware of what is really going on...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Aaliyah R.I.P. More Than A Woman

I used to believe she was gone too soon. But now I know that everything is on God's timing... A beautiful woman, beautiful spirit, incredible talent, and an even bigger imprint left on the world. I was fortunate enough to meet her and remember the genuine sweetness I felt when she was around. We miss you and will continue to be inspired by your self-esteem and courage to work to achieve your dreams. 8 years flew by...she serves as a reminder for me not to waist a minute... This is one of my all time favorite Aaliyah songs "More Than A Woman"...

Give Respect!, Start Strong and PopSugar

Give Respect! -

Give Respect! is the next step for me when it comes to building on my speaking platform against Teen Dating Domestic Violence. If you haven't heard of this organization and all of the work that they are doing to save our youth from unhealthy relationships, get with it!  The more I speak with the organization and research the campaigns, I learn more and more disturbing facts. Did you know that over 40% of tweens (girls in middle school) are experiencing some form of domestic violence in their dating lives. I didn't even comprehend these babies even having dating lives to begin with let alone that they are dealing with abuse. Dating violence is not always physical, and I love how Give Respect! points out all of the many faces of domestic violence including mental and verbal. Physical violence is not always hitting and pushing and shoving it can also be sexual violence. I learned that in teen dating there are a ton of instances being reported where girls say that they were not "raped" but they were in the heat of the moment faced with the boy not wanting to put on a condom or slipping it off as a means to control the girl and keep her with him...i.e. get her pregnant. This is domestic violence. It's so important for young women to know that this is wrong and the most effective way of challenging their limiting beliefs has been proven to be through education on the issues. 
I also learned about the Sugar Network a while back and recently became an active member of this community. Look me up, MiracleGirl, and say hello. It is yet another positive association that I can point to and recommend to young ladies along my journey (after Freedom Movement of course...)LOL.

Monday, August 24, 2009

North Richmond Young Adult Enrichment Center

Through Freedom Movement we get to do a great deal of community outreach with youth in urban areas. This week we visited the NRYAEC and Max taught them about What To Do With $1. What we learned is that with anything, Once is not enough in order to impact and influence real change in other peoples lives. I am able to work with the young women here in a 10 week series on self esteem beginning in September. Max will be doing mentorship with the youth age 13-24 in the area of personal finance and goal setting. We are excited but more than anything urge the community and all FM members to rally next to us to serve the young people in this community to show them several tangible examples of adults who have made it out and have achieved success in their lives. It's hands on and a whole different world in North Richmond but if nothing else we learned that we have a heart for this work and we both really believe in these young people. It's all a mindset thing. Overtime with consistent interest and love shown to them they will be able to create long lasting change...

Hilltop Community Church Youth Group

Hilltop Community Church youth group under Pastor Corey, the youth pastor, brought some young people from Australia out to perform and speak to the young people. I was truly moved and inspired to hear the message they had for us. The message was love! Love yourself and your creator. It was deep! And right up my alley.

I was also stunned to hear from Pastor Debbie that she and the Pastor (her husband) have both read my book No One is Coming to the Rescue, while on their anniversary vacation! If that were not enough to make me blush and grin from ear to ear, then I had the chance to speak with a young female leader (I am a huge fan of her poetry, its DOPE!) who told me she had finished my book and was transformed, how on-time the message was for her life, and how she has 3x5 cards with vocab and growth spurts from the books lessons that she can refer to. I was blown away...I love this church! Come through if you ever find yourself in Hilltop Area, Richmond CA. I'll be there any time I am in town!

Blogtalk Radio Interview Tonight - Go Head Girl!

8pm with Rozalind McMillan

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Interviews and Promo Videos New Authors

We got the opportunity to shoot promo videos on location all day and the best part was the interviews with New Authors on the Verge of big thangs. This was my first interview on camera for the book and the first time I had to use Que cards for the promo welcome video. It was a trip to say the least! but we made it happen...Freedom Movement got a face lift so we are juiced to post our new videos on the site! I will post the videos once they come back from editing. The lesson of the day was never work for 11 hours with no food in 100 degree weather or you will get sick. I mean SICK as a dog...But today I learned how important it is to keep working through your pain and since my work is my passion it gave me that extra push to keep smiling despite the bumpin headache and annoying stomach twisting nausea. LOL... Check out the location shots! There was a river with real ducks in it, an infinity pool with waterfalls and palm trees and the works and we were blessed to be able to run a muck and get filmed all over the estate! These interviews are hilarious...

Friday, August 14, 2009

New Workbooks Published! For Facilitators and Participants!!!

God has been great! Through all of the different organizations and speaking opportunities that have presented themselves, now we have a No One is Coming to the Rescue Workbook and No One is Coming to the Rescue facilitator guidebook that has been approved for publishing by Freedom Publishing House. All of the participants that complete our workshops will now have more than a journal to keep with them! Now it is available for everyone to complete their own Rescue program with or without me which allows the workshops to expand much further than 1 woman would ever be able to reach and that's exciting. The Facilitator guide for the leader of the workshops to direct all of our exercises with their woman's organization to continue the work while we are no longer at their facilities. In business the more mobilization you have to reach the masses the greater the impact can be. Stay tuned for the My Rescue Journal, a companion as you read the book which has been approved to go to print early next week God willing.

**all copyright laws apply

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Oakland Post Newspaper Article!

The article I wrote for the Post Newspaper about Freedom Movement and Maximillion came out this week! Super excited for the Movement and what God is directing us to do for people. I am so proud of the executive team and the strides that we are making. Team work does make the dream work guys!
Special shout outs to Gwendolyn Bridges, Michael Loubier, and Michael Wimbish.

Happy birthday Maximus and congratulations!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Providence Baptist Church

Womens event 4pm

This event was off the chain! So blessed to have been invited to participate in the paradigm shift that took place in so many peoples hearts that night. "COUNT IT ALL JOY!"


Freedom Movement Mastery Class was off the hook!

Great job this weekend FM Team! The 3day Mastery Class was incredible! Very blessed to be a part of the movement... and Maximillion always delivers! Check out for event videos soon...
Thank you to the Alameda Public Library and staff for hosting our author's event and being so gracious to customer service ever!
