Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Give Respect!, Start Strong and PopSugar

Give Respect! - www.giverespect.org

Give Respect! is the next step for me when it comes to building on my speaking platform against Teen Dating Domestic Violence. If you haven't heard of this organization and all of the work that they are doing to save our youth from unhealthy relationships, get with it!  The more I speak with the organization and research the campaigns, I learn more and more disturbing facts. Did you know that over 40% of tweens (girls in middle school) are experiencing some form of domestic violence in their dating lives. I didn't even comprehend these babies even having dating lives to begin with let alone that they are dealing with abuse. Dating violence is not always physical, and I love how Give Respect! points out all of the many faces of domestic violence including mental and verbal. Physical violence is not always hitting and pushing and shoving it can also be sexual violence. I learned that in teen dating there are a ton of instances being reported where girls say that they were not "raped" but they were in the heat of the moment faced with the boy not wanting to put on a condom or slipping it off as a means to control the girl and keep her with him...i.e. get her pregnant. This is domestic violence. It's so important for young women to know that this is wrong and the most effective way of challenging their limiting beliefs has been proven to be through education on the issues. 
I also learned about the Sugar Network a while back and recently became an active member of this community. Look me up, MiracleGirl, and say hello. It is yet another positive association that I can point to and recommend to young ladies along my journey (after Freedom Movement of course...)LOL.