Monday, September 7, 2009

Shimmer & Shine :) My little niece - the entrepreneur!

Over this holiday weekend, one of my big sisters brought one of my nieces over to speak to me about this $1k phone bill she talked up! I can't say I was proud of the crazy bill but I was so inspired and proud of her little entrepreneur spirit. As we sat at my computer she brainstormed ideas of businesses she could create with no money out of her pocket (cause she ain't got none LOL) that she could create to pay her family back. I was so proud of her imagination and ambition to take responsibility for the pricey mistake that she made. We finally came up with Shimmer and Shine her personal hand car washing business. She could walk to her neighbors homes and wash their cars within their driveways outside of their homes. We found a need that she was able to fill for other people. Every working adult that lives in a suburb stays on the highway and is normally exhausted when they get home, but they would love to have a clean car that Shimmers and Shines. My niece will provide that for her neighbors! She is so cute! She provides the materials necessary and all appointments are after school. We then calculated out how long it would take her to pay off her phone bill washing 1 car 3times per week. Armed with an adult, and her fliers, going door to door to promote and collect appointments:) No one can resist this business! Here is the flier we created along with her appointment schedule. I handle all of the calls and book her appointments and referrals then pass addresses along to her mom for inspection. She is the deal! Now if a pre-teen can mature up and create some income during this recession then there really are no excuses for the rest of us! Go Head Girl! love you...good luck doll I am so proud of you.